Category Religion

Reflections On Religion: Choosing Love Over Hate

One of the most important reflections on religion is from a book called Columbus and Other Cannibals by Jack Forbes. He talks about how most indigenous languages don’t even have a word for religion. He also references Charles Eastman, who…

The Ultimate Cult: Politics And Christianity

For some, Christianity brings peace. For others, Christianity is a cult. And for some, all religions are cults. Mixed with politics, you get what’s happening today in the United States. The only thing that separates religions from cults is they’ve…

Teaching New Religions In The Classroom

If your school board approves requiring every classroom to post the ten commandments and you have no recourse, it’s okay. Then make it a learning opportunity and do this: It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about religions around the world.…

Stop Honoring People For Stopping Thinking

The one thing that is dangerous in many religions is that it gives people a gold-plated excuse to stop thinking. To say, “I don’t have to think about that because my religion says this is right, this is wrong, it’s…

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Here’s an excerpt from George Carlin on religion. “Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list…