Conservatives Interpret Freedom As Their Right To Oppress Everyone

Photo of a barbed wire fence in an article on conservatives oppress.

Conservatives interpret freedom as their right to oppress everybody else. When you have cultural narcissism, which conservatism is right now, it can only see things from their perspective. Therefore, their freedom is total.

Because in this culture, the in-group, white Americans, have been conditioned for centuries that the American way is to oppress everybody else and that our freedom comes at the expense of everybody else.

We came to this continent seeking freedom and destroyed the lives of the previous inhabitants in the name of freedom. And so this mindset drives all the issues, affirmative action, LGBTQ+ discrimination, and BIPOC oppression.

Where Does It Stop?

Are they going to discriminate against Democrats? How far will this go? The political environment in the United States feels like Germany 100 years ago.

We have a political party, the Republican party, that is hell-bent on taking everybody else’s rights away and creating this retrograde Christian version of ISIS. And that’s what they want. They want to ride around with their guns, oppressing everybody who disagrees with their religious beliefs and lives in a way their favorite little book tells them is wrong.

This form of Christianity is the most violent book club in history. And we’re seeing that in the way that they’re waging war on Americans’ rights to be themselves, practice what religion they want, marry who they want, and be their authentic self. They don’t want authenticity. They want control.

Is Voting Enough?

Yes, we have to vote, but we can’t vote for the Supreme Court. Voting has very strong limitations. We have this fascist threat, and we think we’re going to vote it away, but it’s a dangerous position to be in.

The problem is we don’t have an actual anti-fascist force in America to fight this. We don’t have one that can stand up to what’s happening now when the fascists have control of the Supreme Court. They have control of the Congress. They could have the presidency in 2024. And so this is going from bad to worse.

It’s a group of conservatives who want to conserve a specific place and time, conserving the racial, social, and religious hierarchy. But time is progressive. Time, culture, and humans progress forward, and conservatives want to stop that progress.

I don’t know if voting is going to be enough. Keep pushing forward.