The Ultimate Cult: Politics And Christianity

For some, Christianity brings peace. For others, Christianity is a cult. And for some, all religions are cults. Mixed with politics, you get what’s happening today in the United States. The only thing that separates religions from cults is they’ve…

Being An Asshole And The Lack Of Critical Thinking

In his book, Assholes: A Theory, Aaron James’ describes when someone is an asshole. We have a certain set of rules, norms, and principles that apply to everyone. But an asshole somehow figures out a way to not apply them…

How Stochastic Terrorism Is Being Used Against Society

Stochastic Terrorism is a calculated tactic. If you haven’t heard of Stochastic Terrorism, it could help you conceptualize all the antitrans and LGBTQ rhetoric from the Republican Party and their white evangelical Christian nationalist backers. Who uses the word “Christian”…

Teaching New Religions In The Classroom

If your school board approves requiring every classroom to post the ten commandments and you have no recourse, it’s okay. Then make it a learning opportunity and do this: It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about religions around the world.…

Know Who’s Running For Your School Boards

Republican extremists are trying to take over school boards. They want to take over school boards and teach children one religion, Christianity only and place a poster of the ten commandments in every classroom. They want to ban books and…

Does This Bill Truly Love Students?

Here’s a great response to anyone trying to force the ten commandments to be displayed in classrooms. The response is from Texas representative James Talarico to Texas representative Candy Noble over her bill’s unconstitutionality, and how the legislation she’s presenting…

The Dark Side Of The Electoral College

The Electoral College is racist. And that should be no surprise to anyone who knows the actual history of our country. When the Founding Fathers of the United States thought about how to pick the President, they suggested that everyone should…

How To Keep Up With Shameful Legislation

It’s a really scary time for the trans community and this may not offer much comfort. And on the side of DON’T GIVE UP!, a lot of these bills are not being voted on by their state legislatures, let alone…

Stop Being Disconnected. We Are All Trans.

If you’re agnostic, don’t care, when it comes to trans issues, that needs to change immediately. Forty-three anti-trans bills have passed by 2023 with 174 left to consider. Let’s take a quick trip back to the early 20th century to…