

Bill Bolmeier

The Supreme Court: Puppets To The Oligarchs

The following is an excellent and passionate speech about the supreme court by Representative Jamaal Bowman, an American politician, and educator serving as the U.S. representative. Today, the Supreme Court is obviously not here to work for the American people.…

Critical Thinking: The Weapon Of The Free Mind

Christian nationalists believe critical thinking threatens their beliefs, so they are working to indoctrinate children with a Christian nationalist worldview. We see what is happening in Florida with new education bills. We see what is happening in Texas with the…

Climate Change: Republicans Are Standing In The Way

Here are some climate change headlines (clickable) in 2023: And this: Do you think Republicans might be scrambling to come up with climate solutions? They are attempting to slash climate spending in the upcoming appropriations bills because the oil and…

Ohio Voters Retain Right To Put Issues On The Ballot

Ohio’s Issue 1 was overwhelmingly defeated by Ohio voters on 8/8/2023, signaling that the GOP is in trouble. Ohio will most likely be legalizing abortion in November 2023. But we must stay vigilant to ensure that happens. NO on Issue…

Boycotts: Power Of The Consumer Can Change the World

Massive solidarity with all the strikes going on for all the workers everywhere. Unions negotiate with the power structure, but boycotts can help us dismantle it. And while we need to support the fights for workers and worker rights, we…

Public Schools: How To Fight Teaching Propaganda

“I would homeschool if I lived in Florida.” That is exactly what they want you to do. It’s not just in Florida. It’s coming to public schools in other states too. Public schools are the foundation of democracy. Republicans are…

Book Bans: How To Ban The Bible From Libraries

In the ongoing battle of book bans, here’s how to ban the Bible from your child’s school library. Is someone trying to get books banned in your school library? Maybe they already got some banned. The person(s) trying to do…