Social Media Censorship: The Battle For Truth

Social media censorship. The wealthy and influential are terrified of social media. Prominent figures in America are advocating for social media sites to censor their content. Content creators say that content is already censored in favor of those people. When…

AIPAC: The $100 Million Challenge To Progressive Members

AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, DC. AIPAC stands for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Recently, there have been a few members of Congress who have spoken out in support of the Palestinian people.…

Immigration Plans: What Trump Wants To Do Now

Immigration plans. The New York Times wrote a terrifying article that is not getting much attention on what Donald Trump plans to do if reelected. So, let’s break it down and share it. These are policies from Trump’s team to…

Deconstruction for Change: A New Collective Paradigm

You consider yourself an active religious person, going to your place of worship. You take your kids, too. Then, things become clear, and your deconstruction work begins. Trump becomes president, and you become involved with political and social activism. Then,…

Propaganda Unmasked: A New Awakening of Global Narratives

It’s a strange experience to wake up from propaganda. We are all going through and experiencing it in real time. It’s an experience of waking up to the fact that you’ve been propagandized your whole life, and you’ve never questioned…

Ohio Issue One: Republicans Challenge Popular Vote

Ohio Issue One. Well, Ohio, you won on Issue One. Or so you thought. They say you won by a huge margin. But wait. The Ohio Republican Party is mad because they lost. The Ohio Republican Party has decided to…

A Harsh Revelation: The Devaluing Of Human Life

The devaluing of human life. A political leader recently said that he sees his children in the bombing of other children. I’m paraphrasing here, but you get the point. Think about that, though. It doesn’t sound that good. This political…

The Misguided Focus of Modern Social Justice Movements

Are there leaders or people you admire in modern social justice movements and think, “How are they not on the right side of history? How are they not saying anything? How are they doing what they’re doing?” Well, you’re not…

Self-Care And Activism: A New Paradigm For The Cause

Self-care and activism. It has been encouraging to watch the world come together and protest. It’s been encouraging to see this change in public opinion. There’s immense comfort to see that social media pierces through much of the worst propaganda…